
Posts tagged with Bucket-List-Trip

  1. A Cancer Survivor’s Trip Down the Pacific Coast Highway: Celebrating 10 Years from Vancouver to Oregon

    2024-02-17 01:02:10 UTC

    My incredible milestone celebration began on On April 17th when I celebrated 10 years from the date of my first cancer surgery. I have been cancer-free since then. It was a long treatment journey, but I am very grateful for the years that I have been in remission. During that…

  2. A Cancer Survivor’s Trip Down the Pacific Highway: Celebrating 10 Years The California Experience

    2024-02-17 01:01:18 UTC

    This is a part 2 of my incredible milestone celebration journey. As stated in my Part 1, when planning this trip, we (my long time friend, Tami, and I) always planned for more and made decisions along the way based on choice, time, and hours of operation. Most of the…

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