2023 Recap of an Amazing Year

2023- Wow what a Year! This was an incredible and rewarding year filled with personal achievements, business growth, and meaningful contributions to my community.


  •  I celebrated 10 years of being cancer free while completing a 13-day trip of a lifetime down the Pacific Highway with a long-time teacher friend that retired after 39 years. 
  • I expanded my business, Candid Clicks Photo Booth, and added three different photo booths to help others celebrate by creating memorable experiences. I love having the props and making people laugh while taking 360 video, boomerangs, or pictures on my DSLR booth. It’s fun watching as they quickly switch posing before the camera clicks. This expansion has brought me much joy. 
  • Our networking group of women expanded and created a 501-3C non-profit, we rebranded and named it BOLD Ladies in Business. We have grown to multiple counties around Florida and have a commitment to making a positive impact in our local communities while supporting each other in business. Our organization donated $27,500 to local charities in 2023. (boldladiesinbusiness.org)
  • I photographed more than 90 sessions and donated my talents to a few non-profits. 
  • I am the photographer for the cover and article images of two local magazines published monthly.
  • I have some pretty amazing friends and loving family (What more can anyone ask for?)

Thank you to each and everyone one of you that supported my small business and entrusted me with your photography images and photo booth celebrations. I truly appreciate it! 

What’s in store for 2024? A continued growth of my photo booth/photography business, continued support for Bold Ladies in Business, and hopefully another amazing vacation. God has blessed me with another year, I never take that for granted. 

Wishing each of you continued success, joy, and fulfillment in the coming year, and may 2024 be another year of growth, meaningful connections, and memorable experiences.

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