Let’s Ring in the New Year in Style

       What does your family do for New Year’s Eve? People around the world have different traditions and practices when it comes to ringing in the New Year. Traditionally, there are lots of practices that stem from past superstitions. I know that in my family we do a variety of different acts that seem odd but have been handed down through the generations as New Year’s Eve practices. We eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight. Why? for good luck of course. Twelve grapes equals 12 months of prosperity and luck. There is of course throwing a bucket of water out the front door and carrying suitcases as well. The removal of a bucket of water is to remove bad luck and the suitcases  are to guarantee travel in the coming year. Seems silly, but they all are a part of my parents’ culture. 

      Where am I going with this as far as photography? I had a great session with Courtney Akel Lee and Rita Narcisse-Taylor for the January cover of Coastal Neighbors. Such a fun session at Yacht Harbor Village on the Defiant. These two business women are an amazing duo. The Akel family are the owners of Dick Stark Carpet One Floor & Home. They have all flooring, tile, mosaics, cabinets, countertops, and provide installation services. Rita and her husband Edgar own Nouveau International Design working on both  commercial and residential clients to make their spaces beautiful. Of course, the traditional champagne toast was done to mark the conclusion of another year and embrace the  beginning of a new year with “new life” resolutions.  Champagne also visibly overflows with joy and abundance. 

     So as the clock strikes midnight on December 31st remember to celebrate each moment, bring in your traditions that have been handed down through the years even as silly as they may seem, and just live life to the fullest. I know for one I will be eating my 12 grapes and taking out the suitcases… I already have my trip planned for 2023. 

Wishing everyone a fantastic New Year!

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